norwegian food

i miss my home in norway sometimes..
when i was little i spend alot of time there
i remember how much i loved it there
it's was so different from sweden
the people
the culture
the nature
the food (ofc:))
today i got a lovely surprise as u can see on the photos.. my mom (who's norwegian) came home with lots of norwegian food from norway!! guess if i'm happy!!!??
do i have any readers who lives in norway?
if so, YR LUCKY
i do, and don't feel 2 lucky about that to b honest... :)
ingvild- you should!!! :)
I doooo! I Asker. Hvor bodde du?:)
se till att du inte far san dar sugar high som jag oftas lider av lol
kan inte ens ha pigelin utan att borja blinka som ett vrack
Jeg gjør, men jeg kunne gjerne ha bodd i Sverige!
jeg gjør. :-)
jeg liker meg veldig godt i sverige!
jag gör det... och ingvild, du er dum! jeg digger deg, du er best<3<3<3 svensk mat är så mycket bättre!!! det är sant!!!!
molly- aw takk <3<3 ja svensk mat är också gott men ikke bedre :D
half norwegian :)
oh, it looks so delicious.
it would be great to live there or in sweden, i hope i will live there :)
åheiiii masse sjokolade. i'm norwegian, if there was any doubt about that. and yeah, brunost is the shit
wow, det visste jeg ikke. fett!
Men glass är också gott!!!!